Paralyzed Rats Walk Again
Paralyzed Rats Walk Again
Spinal stimulation combined with assisted walking therapy generates new neural circuits and restores voluntary leg movement.
- Thursday, May 31, 2012
- By Susan Young

Stair master: After training in a supportive robotic device while receiving spinal stimulation, a rat paralyzed by a spinal-cord injury regained enough control of its hind limbs to climb stairs.
EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology)
Rats paralyzed by spinal-cord injury can learn to control their hind limbs again if they are trained to walk in a rehabilitative device while their lower spine is electrically and chemically stimulated. A clinical trial using a similar system built for humans could begin in the next few years.
Researchers in Switzerland used electrical and chemical stimulation to excite neurons in the lower spinal cord of paralyzed rats while the rodents were suspended by a vest that forced them to walk using only their hind legs. The rehabilitative procedure led to the creation of new neuronal connections between the movement-directing motor cortex of the brain and the lower spine, the researchers report in Science.
Previous research has shown that it is possible to reverse some of the effects of spinal-cord injury by circumventing the normal connection between the brain and legs, which is broken by the injury. For example, walking can be triggered in spinal-cord-injured rats if their spine is stimulated. But until now, such movement has been involuntary. This new research shows that with a specialized training system, similar rats can regain voluntary control over their legs.
A report published last year showed the proof of principle “that this kind of approach can work in patients,” says Grégoire Courtine, senior author of the rat study. In May 2011, 25-year-old Rob Summers, who had been paralyzed from the chest down in a car accident, was reported to stand on his own for a few minutes with electrical stimulation of his spinal cord. He could also take repeated steps on a treadmill with the stimulation, which activates regions in the lower spinal cord that control walking. The locomotion resulting from this kind of stimulation is automatic and involuntary and is thought to require no direct communication from the brain.
Courtine had previously shown that this type of automatic walking could initiate walking patterns in the hind limbs of spinal-cord-injured rats that were spinally stimulated while on a treadmill. Because the spinal column could control the walking pattern, Courtine suspected that only a weak signal from the brain would be necessary for the animals to start walking voluntarily.
To test whether the rats could recover brain-directed control of these movements, he and his team developed a robotic support system that suspends rats in a bipedal standing posture and helps with balance but does not provide any forward momentum. Ten paralyzed rats were trained daily to walk with stimulation both on a treadmill and in the robotic system. After two to three weeks, the rats took their first voluntary steps. “This is the first time we have seen voluntary control of locomotion in an animal with [an injury] that normally leaves it completely paralyzed,” says Courtine.Â
Key to this recovery was the active role of the rat’s brain in wanting to move forward. The electrical and chemical stimulation puts the rat’s nervous system in a state where walking is possible, says study co-author Janine Heutschi, and “then you need to make the rat to want to walk.” The rats’ desire to walk was motivated by chocolate rewards and vocal encouragement from the researchers (which you can hear in this video from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology). The robotic suspension system forces the rodents to use their dormant hind limbs and not drag themselves forward with their still functional forelimbs.
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